The new update comes just a few days after Whatsapp celebrate their 1billion Users worldwide and that their next target is to ensure business and consumer communicate better..
If you're one of those who are not satisfied with 100 participants group chat limit I have some good news for you because with the new update you can now add more people to your group chat as many as 256 participants in a single group.
I just imagine having more people up to 256 in one group chat.
For those Brands who want to have religious group,Virtual get together,Survey and other situations that warrants to reach out to and communicate with 256 People at same time is needed this new update is best for you.
However, this new update version is not official announced for Whatsapp for Android but if you update your Whatsapp Version to 2.12.367. You will discover that you can add more people to your group chat as many as 256 participants. Though the new update doesn't change anything except when you navigate to group chat menu on the application that's when you will notice this slight changes that let you know you can you go beyond previous chat group limit.
Note this recent chat group update is only available to IOS and Android Users it may expand to other users in the nearest future.
You can check for your Whatsapp update on Google play store.
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